Office Container Modifications
1. Do It Yourself. You’re handy. It is what drew you to the container office in the first place. But you don’t need to reinvent the wheel, so what is the best way to modify your container? We offer kits that are designed to fit into the corrugation of the container. Our kits come with everything you need except for cutting and welding know-how and equipment. Cut the hole in the container the size the kit tells you, weld into place the framing and then add in the door, window, skylight, etc. We offer kits for a wide variety of modifications. Our most popular ones are: personnel doors, roll-up doors, windows, HVAC, partitions (with and without doors), louvered and turbine vents and skylights. You can add insulation, electricity and plumbing just like you would any other building.
2. Do It Mostly Yourself. You can weld, but the cutting part sounds like a pain. Or you have a feature you picked out for yourself – a door, nice window, etc. And you’d like some help with getting it put in. We can cut or cut and frame holes into your container for you. Then all you have to do is pop in the door or window youself when your container arrives. If you have an item you want to add in, but want the framing to fit into the corrugation of the container, we can provide you with just the framing as well.
3. We do it for you. You don’t want to bother with it. You just want it to come ready to go. We can modify containers for you. We’ll add in the doors, window, HVAC so you can start working in the container the next day,. We can insulate the container for you as well. We do not offer electric services
in most locations, but do have some locations where we can add in basic lights and electricity. If you do your own electric and plumbing work, we recommend you insulate the container after that work is done. We can also lay down new flooring over the existing flooring.
Regardless of how you want to modify your office container, we can help you.

May 2, 2012