The Saner Container

Container Home Living - An Insider's Perspective — Super Cubes

Written by Super Cubes | Jan 3, 2012 6:00:00 AM
We are very excited today to have a guest author to the Saner Container.  This author not only lives in a container home, he has shown it to the world on MTV's "Cribs".  Sam Glassberg presented his home on "Cribs", showing off the versatility and eco-friendly aspects of their shipping container home.  Now he has shared some of his experiences with the Saner Container.

As a film and television student, being on a real television show was probably one of the most rewarding experiences of my entire life. It was also created one of the most awkward experiences of my entire life when a complete stranger came up to me in my college’s dining hall and said “I saw you on Cribs. I really liked your house”. Awkward for me because, well, I think that would be pretty awkward for anybody, but also amazing because I realized that people I don’t even know and didn’t tell to watch (probably the most I’ve tweeted or facebooked in my entire life) appreciate what my mom created.

I live in a house made of shipping containers. Weird. It’s a bit like a circus at times with the amount of people stopping to look at it on the street, and the amount of tours I’ve had to give, but I really love it. At first the idea seemed a bit crazy, but now it’s bizarrely normal. The house is composed of concrete, 5 shipping containers, glass, and metal and is truly a work of modern architecture. With geothermal heating, passive solar heating and lighting, and other recycled materials it’s also a house that gives back to the environment. It’s a structure to be envied by all, and luckily for those who envy it, it will soon be available for everybody to have.

In collaboration with local Kansas City architecture firm BNIM, my mother has begun creating new living, working, and retail spaces that will be available and affordable for nearly anybody. While my house is perfect in my eyes, new designs and configurations of this prefab design are going to be released in many different forms. It’s bespoke living. Studio apartments, dorm rooms, vegan restaurants, and boutique hotels are all ideas my mom had that are about to become a reality. If you can dream it, Debbie Glassberg and BNIM can build it.

BNIM Container Home
Living room dining room and hall

KMBC, Kansas City's ABC affiliate, ran a series on the Glassberg's home. Follow their home being built:

KMBC - 1st story

KMBC - 2nd story

KMBC - 3rd story

KMBC slideshow
